Become The Wiser Woman

Not Only Hot Flashes and Night Sweats!

I thought my menopause transition was a breeze. I had the occasional hot flash. I recall a few night sweats. When my periods stopped, I discussed it with my 30-something nurse practitioner. She handed me a pamphlet and compassionately said it was time for her to learn more about menopause as her patients aged. We both joked that I shouldn’t share how smooth my transition was with my girlfriends.

The truth is my menopause transition was not smooth. I didn’t have the information I needed to understand the changes. I had heart palpitations that sent me to the same NP for an EKG. There were sleepless nights when I woke in a panic, ruminating about stress at work to the point of vomiting. I experienced brain fog and confusion when decisions needed to be made. Vaginal dryness brought waves of fear about intimacy. Alarm bells went off when I shrank 3/4 of an inch. I experienced profound sadness like never before. It was a lot. On the positive side, these changes also manifested gifts. I discovered new-found courage to pursue a divorce, wisdom to make bold lifestyle changes, and freedom to pursue my passions.

Like many women, I navigated the wilderness of this pivotal time alone. Hormone therapy was considered dangerous. Embarrassment and shame stifled conversation. Thankfully, the view on women and mid-life is shifting. We are learning how proper hormone management, sleep, nutrition, and exercise save women’s lives. The gifts of this initiatory phase are being revealed. Inspired women are shaping the second half of life with meaning and purpose. We are reclaiming our birthright and becoming wise women. 

The wisdom of this transformational phase is amplified with support and mentorship. Too much is at stake to go it alone. That’s why I created The Wiser Woman program. The Wiser Woman program is for women in their mid-forties and older and women in menopause.

The program offers a safe and supportive community for women to learn about the menopause transition, share their menopause stories, and develop a personal wellness plan. You will gain tools to boost your health and well-being, and wellness coaching to gentle your journey.

Will you join me? Learn more and add your name to the Fall 2024 Waitlist.

With gratitude for all that you bring to this world!

Your Wellness Coach,



Let’s Talk About Menopause at Work


Are You Living Your Values?